Here you'll find a wide variety of pieces I've written over
the years - ads, brochures, direct mail packages and much more. I have placed them in no particular order, so you'd have to look at everything! Let me also mention that I supervised the design for many of the pieces. For instance,
the billing stuffer I created for Rand-McNally – with two globes forming the middle two
letters in LOOK – was my design concept. Incidentally, one of my best samples – the direct mail package that helped make DVDs such a phenomenon – is missing. See why at the very end of this portfolio page!
Why the Following Two Samples Are MS Word Documents
in the days when DVDs were known as Digital Versatile
Discs, I was asked to write a full direct-mail package for Toshiba to
the new technology to the North American market. The package I wrote –
complete with full-color brochure, 2-page letter, sweepstakes insert
and more – was sent
to those who called Toshiba after watching their 30-minute infomercial.
After I knew that the package had been printed, I did what all copywriters do who are proud of their work – I started asking my
to send me samples for my portfolio. Sad to say, the client
ignored my
requests. Well, after months of asking, coaxing and begging, the client
told me that all of the packages had been sent out and there were none
left. It was at that point that I suddenly realized that I could have
easily gotten my hands on the direct-mail
package simply by calling the toll-free number I had written all over